Blockspring's Google Sheets, Excel, Tableau, and Bubble plugins let you access hundreds of connectors from your favorite tools. You can also build your own connectors that are cross-compatible.

This section will cover our spreadsheet plugins for Google Sheets and Excel (for Windows).

Common uses

Get data from the web or a database
Often people copy and paste data from other places into their spreadsheet. This is tedious and time consuming.

Blockspring can save time by automatically getting data from many places on the web, and putting the data into your spreadsheet.

This video shows Blockspring getting data from the web.

Automatically refresh data
Often you may want a spreadsheet or dashboard to automatically update at some frequency, for example daily.

Blockspring lets you automatically update data in your spreadsheet.

Enrich a dataset

Use machine learning
(e.g. if you have a cell with text, we have a function to tell you if it is "positive" or "negative")

Uncommon but cool uses

At its heart, our plugin connects your spreadsheet to the internet. Here are some crazier things we've seen people do from a spreadsheet with Blockspring:

  • Send mail
  • Post to social media
  • Create Google Calander events

Get ideas

Our Google Sheet templates do some neat things. They are already setup and ready to use.

Use a particular API

Checkout our list of API's. We have over 100 API's that can be used in a spreadsheet.

For more support

If you need any additional help from our team, don't hesitate to connect with