Tutorial: Sidebar Form

Let's learn how to give your script a front-end. In this case it's a sidebar form.

Usecase: Count Cards by Assignee

Most apps don't have a good way to generate quick reports. In this tutorial, we'll write a script that gives a front-end to our count cards function. Specifically, we'll enter a member's email and see how many cards they've been assigned.

Build our sidebar form

First thing is first - let's write a function that opens a sidebar in Trello, with a preliminary form.

import trello_app

def card_report():
    # build form
    return {
        "_type": "form",
        "_title": "Card Report",
        "_inputs": [{
            "name": "username",
            "type": "text"
        "_on_submit": "count_cards_"

Now go back to Trello, and run the card_report App Button.


Clicking the App Button opens a sidebar with the form you specified in your script. Let's dig into the script itself.

def card_report():
    # build form
    return {
      	### _type tells us what type of UI to open. So far the only option is form.
        "_type": "form",
      	### _title sets the title of the form sidebar.
        "_title": "Card Report",
      	### _inputs determines what types of inputs to generate for your form. The name will be pased into your code and shown as a label. The type can be text or textarea for now.
        "_inputs": [{
            "name": "username",
            "type": "text"
      	### _on_submit determines what function in your script to call when they submit the form.
        "_on_submit": "count_cards_"

So by editing that configuration, we can generate our own custom forms.

When We Submit...

You may have noticed we set count_cards_ to be the function to call when the user submits our form. Let's create our count cards function.

import trello_app

def count_cards_():
    # get member from form by username
    username = trello_app.get_request().get("username")
    board = trello_app.get_current_board()
    member = next((x for x in board.get_members() if x.get_field("username") == username), None)

    # catch error if not a real member
    if not(member):
        return "Could not find %s" % username

    # count cards
    cards = board.get_cards(filter="open")
    member_cards = list(filter(lambda x: member.get_field("id") in x.get_field("idMembers"), cards))
    return "%s open cards for %s" % (len(member_cards), username)

def card_report():
    # build form
    return {
        "_type": "form",
        "_title": "Card Report",
        "_inputs": [{
            "name": "username",
            "type": "text"
        "_on_submit": "count_cards_"

The most important concept to this function is .get_request(). This lets you retrieve the form response as a dictionary/hash. Since we named the form input username, that's the variable we'll pull out of get_request().

The rest of the function is fairly intuitive. Given the member, it counts their boards and returns a text response. Let's see the sidebar form in action.


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